How To Reduce Your Stress Levels When Moving House

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Moving House can be one of the most stressful events in our life!

I know - I'm an old hand after experiencing 4 international, 4 national and countless local moves in the past 20 years! (it's amazing I'm not totally grey!!!)

I've kept my sanity by staying super organised so I can make sure everything runs smoothly.

Starting with a plan and following a few simple tricks can really reduce the exhaustion and overwhelm.

Start a Moving Essentials Folder

My top tip is to start a Moving Essentials Folder, use dividers to make segments for the old property and your one for your new address. If the kids are changing schools you may like to set one up for that too. Keeping everything together in one easy location makes life much simpler, and saves any important paperwork being lost is the upcoming upheaval.

Pack the essentials last!

Set up a "Survival Box" tea, coffee, sheets, alarm clock, get the idea.

This is all the stuff you need to operate when you get to your new destination. Packing it last and together means you can unpack it first and make your life easier at the other end. You may also want to do one for your kids - don't forget the blankies and favourite teddies!

Number and label every box with which room it's to be taken to and what the box contains.

(And be careful not to pack the plugs for the baths and sinks as packers once did to us!!!) This makes it easy to direct the packers to which room when they ask you as they unload. 

Set up your bed and kitchen first!

When you arrive at your new location, make your two highest priorities setting up the beds so you can get a good night sleep. Next, work on the kitchen so you can at least make a cup of tea and some toast!


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